Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich Weber
Born in Vienna, Austria, EU
Married with Renate Weber, MD, a Psychotherapist ,
Two adult children (Elisabeth and Heinz, MD)
Training for the Monospeciality of General Internal Medicine
May 1973: MD, Medical School of the University of Vienna
1973-76 GP-Training: Kaiserin Elisabeth Hospital, and some other Viennese City Hospitals.
1976-80 Training in Internal Medicine, AKH (Vienna General Hospital,
Kardiologischen Univ.-Klinik, Univ.-Prof. Dr. F. Kaindl and
II. Medizinischen Univ.-Klinik, Univ.-Prof. Dr. G. Geyer
Training in Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Academic Career
Staff member at the Kardiologische Univ.-Klinik since 1982
Habilitation and Univ.- Dozent (Assoc. Professor) since 18.12.1986
June 1987 Specialist in Cardiology
March 1991 tit. Ao Univ.-Professor
February 1996 Specialist for Intensive Care Medicine
7 years consultant
3 years Director of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 13H3, AKH
1 year Vice-Director of the Catheter-Labs (4 biplane devices), AKH.
Training in Interventional Cardiology:
Diagnostic: More than 20 years experience in diagnostic investigations of the heart, including several thousand coronary angiographies.
Experience of more than 1.000 PTCAs since 1988 among them many complexe multi-vessel procedures including 90% Stent-Placements among them 50% drug eluting stents.
Intra-coronary Ultrasound (IVUS) including the virtual histology.
In the past, experience with Coronary-Angioscopies.
Participation in many PTCA-Training-Courses (Frankfurt 1988, Toulouse 1990 and 1991, Jerusalem, Madrid, Milano 2000, Lausanne 2003, Lugano 2006, Barcelona 2008)
Some experience in the use of OCT (optical Cohaerenz-Tomographie)
Experience with non-invasive Coronary-Angiography using Multislice CT and of Calzium-Scoring.
Performing of ca. 400 diagnostic and therapeutic Procedures of different nature.
Programmed Ventricular Stimulations.
Electrophysiology-Training at St. Georgs Hospital in London 1990 and 1991 (Prof. Camm)
Experinece in Intensive Care Medicine
Director of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 13H3, AKH from 1991 - 1994 (8 ICU beds)
Leading Positions:
1.3.94 -31.12.2003
(Primarius) of the
5. Med. Dpt. Cardiology at the Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital in Vienna
Since January 2004
Director of the 1st Medical Department at the Donauspital (Danube-Hospital) in the SMZ-Ost
96 Beds at 3 wards,
ICU with 12 Intensive-Positions
Catheter-Labor (biplane device)
Electrophysiologic Labor
32 MDs, among them 18 Specialists of Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Intensive Care Medicine an Angiology.
Special OPDs for PM, ICDs, Angiology etc.
Scientific Activities:
Main fields of Interests:
Internal Medicine
Clinical Cardiology
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), acute MI,
Prevention of CAD
Invasive and Interventional Cardiology (PTCA, STENT etc.)
Arrhythmias, Pacemakers, Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Devices (ICD)
Management of left heart failure
Management of valve diseases
Emergency medicine, resuscitation (BLS; ACLS)
Many oral presentations and scientific publications in peer reviewed journals (see publication list) demonstrate the interest in arrhythmias and CAD, especially in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and emergency medicine combined with intensive care. In the last years interests moved forward to health economic problems.
Excellent international relationships led e.g. to a visit of Gene Braunwald on our Department in 2005.
International Activities:
Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC) (
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC) (
Diplom of a European Cardiologist (2002)
President of the Austrian Cardiac Society 1999/2000 (Österr. Kardiologischen Gesellschaft
Board member of the Austrian Cardiac Society 1998 - 2002
Honorary Member of the Slovak Cardiac Society
Board Member of the Viennese Medical Association (Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien
Vice-President of the Viennese Red Cross 2004 (
President of the UEMS-Cardiology Section 1998-2002 (Union Medicine Europeene Specialistes,
Founding-Chairman of EBAC (European Board for accreditation in Cardiology, (
) 1999,.
Co-Chairman of the EBSC (European Board for the Speciality of Cardiology), (s.o.,
UEMS-Cardiology Section (
) Member of the Executive Commitee
): Member of the Advisory Commitee
European Cardiology Society Foundation (
) - Council Chairman